This morning Jukin wakes up tomorrow.
title proposed by Leila

He scratched his ass, pissed. The night had been bad, so he got up very late but he did not have time. As every year on this day, residents were preparing their Bidule Tip of the day. They had 24 hours to be developed. The next day they marched to turn on the theater stage, with the assigned schedule.
Anxious, Jukin froze at his table. The breakfast had not already unpacked and it seemed consumed. Yet he had cleared the previous morning. In the emergency he ended what was left, the nightmares still floating in his mind.
He was a child, lost in the woods alone, overwhelmed by shadows tortuous. Rare flashes of light from a white sun glare through the canopy. In these discharges photon nausea was rising. He was secretly planned in his future where he saw himself withered, stuck in a cul de sac of redbrick. Lonely child, these visions the intermittent cramps. So when a huge mass of sticky ink springs from a tree trunk, he could not escape. Him his future began to panic too. The dark mass approached indefinitely throughout the night. His anxiety did not cease to rise, never reaching fever pitch. His past and his future alternated constantly in her head of his present, creating a confusion of terror. Upon awakening, a tremendous shock through him. Still confused
of these sensations, he opened his studio in the garden. All equipment was unpacked and falling material cut. Chips littered the ground. Then he heard the grumbling of his neighbor Sirunyk he went to call:
_ Excuse me, would you have used my tools by chance?
Surprised in his dark thoughts, he turned his head quickly before gurgle:
_Hein, how, what tools? _The
my workshop tools were used, he said Jukin.
_ You insinuate that I'm back at home, in your studio, to handle your tools? he was indignant.
_I am inquiring Sirunyk, everything is unpacked and I have not touched.
_ It's insulting. And I do not have time. I go on stage in an hour, he threw turning away.
_ How, what did you just say? Jukin rushed.
_ I just finished my widget, but I spend every hour.
_ Tomorrow Sirunyk, said he softly.
_ Ah! Tomorrow! It would have well arranged! To refine. But hear you the sound of Truc, "he said on his way home.
Jukin had not paid attention to his fluctuating but permanent filled the city. The previous year, the butcher Petro won the exemption and the responsibility of its tip for the whole day. Privilege granted to the best contraption. Despite the catastrophic situation, Jukin knew he was doing very well, it was a great vintage. Without
privilege and the day of flight preparation, the threat became very real. Far the best were rewarded, as ill received pledges harsh. And the unfortunate who do not realize their contraption time were stripped, their homes burned and banned for life, and their descendants.
No trace of his contraption in the workshop. Returning to stay, the breakfast, was freed. There was only one cup, which took off and hovered. Jukin followed her into the kitchen. She went alone to join the rest of dishes in the sink. Then the sponge was lifted. Joined by the cloth they flew up the table. The cloth hung at shoulder height and vibrated with jerks of the sponge on the table. Once the table is wet, the cloth took over. That was his exact cleansing ritual, Jukin was stunned. Completely
short time he went anyway Patiel among whom he had expected of the draft of his contraption. He was the only one able to engineer a particular thing above.
Patiel was a carpenter and was in parallel a small hobby shop specializes. The shop was tiny, even confidential. A jumble of disparate materials completely covered shelves, furniture and soil. Giant springs, spirals in orange plastic, rolls of moss. Everything was in piles and yet Patiel could find any screws marshmallow in less than 30 seconds. This was also the only shop where you could find a écheveleur skull. Although
had dealt with him a few times, Jukin was always fascinated by its constitution. It was as big as the end, a real guy wire. Besides his arms were attached to the trunk just above the navel which made him incredibly awkward. As his nervous system was not to be adapted to the morphology, when he moved his arms for all objects falling around him. Not to mention his ridiculous appearance. When
Jukin said hello, he turned the contents of the shelf to the left of the desk collapses faster. There lend more attention, but his mind instantly reclassifying the new position of objects in its memory.
He seemed wary of seeing Jukin:
_ Greetings welcome, as already earned me the honor to see you, "he said of his strong voice and equal.
_ Oh, I'm not long overdue. That said, nothing has changed.
_ Because I could help you forget your visit yesterday? You know I could never finish on time, said it by accompanying the word of a useless gesture that overthrew a dresser and its contents.
Jukin feared such a response.
_ I came yesterday?
_J'espère that you have finished your gizmo anyway.
The wheels came to nest. His day was held in parallel today. Of course for others it had occurred normally. There had already made all his actions. But for him, Jukin yesterday acted today. He had only hoped he would end his thingy yesterday before his visit to the theater today.
_ Exactly, what I have done my thingy yesterday?
_ it is a bit much. You're amnesiac?
_ No, he dropped more sharply than he wanted. I had a very bad night.
Patiel felt disturbed his interlocutor, he preferred to inform.
_Tu're left with just hoping to fend for yourself.
Even today he hoped. On leaving, Jukin jumped at the crash of multiple objects hitting the ground.
Returning home, he found a draft of his contraption that hung at waist level next to a DIY trestle. They spun into the attic, he went too. His
him yesterday there had already gathered all the bric-a-brac. Barely an hour remaining before his way, grabbed her Jukin thingy incomplete. He gathered a lot of little stuff, glue and staples thing to thing and began frantically at work. He did not even wait for it to dry and went to the theater.
A time to confirm its participation and avoid the ban was already a relief. But while he was waiting in the anteroom, he took the time to quickly test his contraption. All part of the trick had found mobile glued and stapled support remained in his hands! At this moment we called him on stage.
spotlights dazzled him at first, but when he could see the audience, he fixed them to voluntarily go blind to ignore the crowd who terrorized. The scene was immense, he felt ridiculous at the foot of the majestic crimson silk curtains. Already very ill at ease, he feigned extreme shyness to save time. Half of his contraption hanging miserably. He did not reach the microphone after two long minutes. Approaching her lips quivering, his mouth was defeated by a violent feedback when he tried to open it.
Then he went back as unbalanced and fell ten meters away. They raised him. He took the general hilarity to gain even the minutes, enthusiasm rejected fatigue. He pretended to limp awkwardly to the front stage. A few seconds saved. Fusèrent laughter again. All spotlights trained on him, the sweat was beginning to itch. Behind the scenes, organizers waved. Jukin risked a glance at the jury, he immediately regretted. The five individuals at the mine austere stared as the prey. His shoulders tensed, someone in the audience hissed. The waiting was becoming unbearable. He lifted his contraption that resembled nothing but could not start. He humbled himself. The organizers then threatened him. Jukin found himself back on the stroke of banishment! At that moment the audience boos hurled increasingly vindictive. Tears welled in his eyes. In his office, the jury took notes severe. He could not push this. When a tear rolled from the corner of his left eye he again raised his contraption. This simple gesture calmed the heat already. He put his hand on the moving part but did not recognize his touch. He lowered his head and found her contraption as he had imagined (his Jukin yesterday was successful).
Whether it's a dream or not, he gave vent to contemplate. Everything stopped around him, his hearing became muffled. It took him and began to engineer ever worn by a raging fever. His technique average faded behind his melodramatic lyricism. It occupied the entire stage space in swirling gestures surly. Jukin ended with a bang, leached. The audience applauded him strangely, still under the shock of change. The jury persisted in his hermetic austerity although tension is perceived, sign they had been affected.
Jukin just missed privileges.
Finally home, energy failed him. He sank into his chair in his bones when he appeared yesterday, already seated. The fall was launched Jukin him fell over. But in fact, they merged. The time dimension could regain his balance. Jukin felt a brief moment it's past the point of release to liquefy, free at last. It was full again.