This morning Jukin marvels.
as proposed by Marion

Devine was very funny despite himself. It was something cute, too cute, this which inspired pity. And mixed up in this horrible teeth and approach atrophied. Jukin burst out laughing inside, which distracted him was during this visit so boring. His bones. That's all he wanted. Patience.
Johnny, this great big guy like a bull, brought them to the Hall of carcasses. Jukin asked if it was really necessary to go that far. But the director had to show everything to his employee, then they followed suit. The thick door cut in a matte green metal cylinder was pierced with a tiny window. Why were they always so petty on windows? You could tell just hanging neighborhoods. Jukin Johnny went behind which hid the view. When
back stepped aside, a singular spectacle uncovered his eyes. The low-ceilinged room, bathed in yellow light, offering endless rows of animals hanging. On the dark background of smooth walls, red animals seized. The cool temperature causes a slight white mist that slowed time. Jukin hung, fascinated. He felt at home. The regularity of storage and numbered labels liked him already. But it was the carcasses deeply touched. Dead meat. Cold. Which decomposed at sentencing. The smooth muscles. This color red wine, dark, seemed to become translucent. Barre bursts of milky white membrane. Jukin imagined these sculptures of flesh be the happy outcome of the assembly several puzzles, which was missing half the pieces. Of course, everything does not fit, so we had to use force. ¾ parts were crushed upon each other by monsters of mythology.
Johnny Devine began to explain the operation of the blower. Jukin then took the time to stroll in a row to enjoy the show. It took a few steps behind a large area and almost square, an apparition. A small frame, slightly bluish, especially moved him. It seemed to him alive inside. On the side breathed a gaping hole. No head to this meat, yet it seemed to him a wink. Jukin was seduced. After casting a glance at the two men still engaged in technical details, he approached, feverish, as for a first appointment. His hand touched
flesh. The desire awoke immediately. He had little time, so he let himself be guided by his instinct. His gestures were perfect, the carcass before him. Before entering, he seemed to see the widening gap. His penis pushed her way sassy. The interior, dense, clutched his skin the way, creating an irresistible friction at the limit of pain. He suppressed a gasp of fear of being heard. His enjoyment was already rising, he seized the carcass and violently accelerated. Johnny had finished his explanation, but could not stop Jukin. So he bit the meat. A large ejaculatory discharge fills the hole. Johnny landed in the aisle. Jukin reflexively withdrew her sex who drove in a second spasm of his semen on soil. Director froze, Devine banged in the back. Jukin ejaculated again. Clearly understanding, Johnny stepped back deliberately hiding the view to his employee. Jukin could repackage its existing member flaps and follow them.
Before leaving, Devine asked why they were not going in the other room. The director assured him it was just the second room carcass, which was completely identical. Jukin shelves actually recognized by the other beasts of small porthole.
The tour was over, Johnny leads Jukin in the bone store. It provides a large bag make its selection before taking Devine in his office, to address the administrative part. His desire to chair seemed so distant now that this occurrence had invaded his mind. He did not want that again. Then he stuffed the bag of bones at random to create an alibi and went back to the room with the carcasses.
corridors as well as the room were empty. His heart pounded in his temples. She was there. May be even bluer than earlier, his excitement was beginning to itch. But he wanted to discover the carcass of the 2nd room before indulging in pleasure. Nothing could be seen through that damn window. He slowly opened the heavy door and slipped inside. Except for its appearance, the pieces of meat were still more formidable to him it seemed. Except with respect to its appearance. They had a special freshness as if they were alive or had a new vitality.
Jukin few paces to his left and discovered three men in a row. They wore the gown for the slaughterhouse with the logo on the back. Cons by their pants were down to their feet. And they entered the carcasses with their sex. He instinctively let go "Hey! "Disapproving he regretted. The 3 men returned simultaneously éjaculèrent ground. Jukin not understand what was happening all at once. It came with a bound, closing the door. But he could not lock it. He dived to the air vent that unclipping, burrows into the duct and replaced the grid in the same movement. The three men arrived immediately but does not vérifièrent aeration. The two smaller left the room but stayed and finished the last to make his belt. Jukin had no choice, he had to borrow the jacket. Fortunately ducts were wide and the installation seemed fresh, so clean. He skirted several tubes and took some turns before rectangles of light does it our way. Slits pierce the wall and looked out over a room. Jukin stepped forward and recognized the office of Johnny
_Do not worry, you will not have to worry about ejaculations yourself. A special team is loaded.
was the voice of the director. Jukin saw part of the face of his interlocutor: Guess who listened attentively. A grain in his eyes made him less cute, but still very funny. Jukin help but giggle, the conversation interested him.
_I am ready to participate, you know, "said Devine, very confident. I find it necessary to engage in all tasks of a production if it wants to be an effective link.
_This what I like about you. You're not like all these young graduates, shocked at nothing and want to get everything without effort, without any personal investment, congratulated Johnny. You know, it was not easy to accept this special treatment of the carcasses. I had to wipe a lot of misunderstanding, insult. My pride was shaken, but I persevered. When I finally managed to convince a team, our carcasses were all the rage. This process gives them a glare and a unique flavor. Our turnovers have soared.
Jukin let out a fart very loud. He did not feel absolutely come. The ventilation duct amplified both the sound wave that spread the smell. He fainted immediately.
The face of Johnny greeted his awakening. His head was spinning again and his sight was somewhat troubled, but he was sure the manager smiled.
_Ah, He returned to his men.
The 3 employees were also surprised that he stood around him, smiling. Devine, sitting further expression was imperturbable. Jukin sat quietly, his vision is already established.
_my old, you've dropped one of these bombs, suddenly threw Johnny cheerful. Our ventilation system has been launched at full speed. It took a good 10 minutes to evacuate any areas without damaging the meat. By cons I congratulate you for your action in the small hall of the carcasses.
The largest of the three men stepped forward timidly at that time.
_Monsieur the director told us what you did. So me and my colleagues and we wanted to congratulate you if I could shake your hand.
_Euh, yes, of course, he replied embarrassed.
Each turn they shook hands with him with admiration, a big smile on his face, then left the room.
_This you have done is not given to everyone, "said Johnny settling in his office. So I decided to offer you a place here. They'll bring your carcass, which must be shining now. What do you think?
Jukin not believe his ears. Barely awake, he thought to have handcuffed and having to explain its action. A wave of enthusiasm swept over the inside. We congratulated him and he offered to pay for .... No, it was not possible. It was a dream.
_Bien course, you are not asked to value carcasses all day long. Yes, we use the term "value" is much more practical and elegant.
The 3 men entered, looking crestfallen. The two smaller brought a huge dead leaf burning, while the third closed the door in a gesture of reverence.
_Oh my god! Johnny blurted rising.
Jukin He turned, looking distressed.
_I am really sorry my friend. You can not work for us.
_Mais ... .., what happens? What is that thing? he whispered, pointing to the giant leaf.
_This carcass that you valued my old. Unfortunately, your seed is incompatible with dead meat. You made it rot.
His sperm had killed his love. Jukin was stunned. So fast it went from total joy to complete the rout.
_Enlevez it! he cried despite himself.
The 3 men bowed their heads and took the piece of black meat stunted. Johnny then threw a glance on the sly to Devine. The latter understood. He rose and walked slowly Jukin. He put a fatherly hand which wanted the comforting shoulder.
_This is not your fault you know. You can come back whenever you want. And so the carcass does not fit the profile so we can market it, we should be able to leave the value anyway.
Jukin was affected by the intention. He felt the vibes around him. These guys were really sorry. Then he rose and faced Devine to thank him. The latter was even cuter than usual. Probably because it was full of solicitude. This time, Jukin could not resist. He laughed. A huge laugh mellitus. Convulsions happy with him. They literally writhed with laughter. But Johnny
suddenly changed their attitude. His furrowed brow bone is.
Jukin froze.
_Dévine, but you are incompetent. Look at the fact that you do. I need someone serious, reassuring. You're fired too! Both of you are fired, get out!
Devine did not prevent his lower jaw dropped. The red face of Chief dissuaded him from attempting to discuss. He left the office with a Jukin who clung still giggle. Johnny slammed the door behind them. When he tried to lecture him on what he had done it, Jukin burst out laughing so hard he turned and left limping.
Jukin quietly returned home, to digest what had happened. He had a vague feeling much since it mixed, it overlapped. Fortunately, he could win bag of bones before you leave.
He fashioned a magnificent chair, although the bones were not the best. Some forms were unlikely or even unusable. He then decided to listen to the bones rather than restrict them to a form, thus realizing a strange chair, special, unique. Jukin was convinced that the bones he had drawn perpendicular to the center of the seat belonged to his appearance. And when he sat, naked, deep well on it, it was certain.