This my tin, Jukin has lost its bulb u rach cerebrospinal idien.
as proposed by Tim

was Jukin surprised at this attack, then lengthened by finding her assailant. The black kitten came to him from his reverie, or perhaps a nap, it was not clear. Lying on the floor of his stay he enjoyed a different view from the window. The foliage of the tree appeared to him from below otherwise. In addition, the sun lined up with the canopy which emphasized the relief of the leaves. He grabbed the ball of hair and gave way to flat back. He rediscovered his home. While the kitten tossed his hands, he watched his familiar objects. The distorted perspective, revealing their dark side. As it lives stolen his eyes brightened each day to a few centimeters. No longer able to restrain the animal in his hands, he let slip in his neck. Even the walls seemed to come from a parallel dimension. Externally similar to ours, but concealing an invisible strand of otherness. In this position he could lend itself to a game he loved: imagine walking on the ceiling became the floor of the room.
Then the kitten scratched him the spinal medulla. But nothing happened. Jukin rose hastily and reluctantly touched the bulb. He had banned the movement by auto reconditioning for a heightened sensitivity made him lose consciousness at each contact. The bulb was gone! He ran to open the drawer in which he undertook when he placed it above tests, hoping to end his syndrome.
The drawer was empty, and bulb was missing. He stared out the window the tree whose leaves had regained its normal appearance, seen from ground level, time to slip his hands into his pockets. His major then met the cold metal. It was the key to mini mini drawer in the drawer bulb. But it was usually stored in the jar cherry. Something was happening. A plan was underway, home, and he was not aware. As rape. He secretly hoped that the kitten had clumsily moved all these objects. When he discovered at the bottom of the drawer mini slide in a piece of the puzzle, his breath failed him. She was the head of a kitten wearing a red nose. He traveled
puzzle boxes already in the cupboard of his room and found one that matched. Inside, other parts waiting to be assembled. And nothing else. Not enough to constitute an index. Was it just a paranoid delusion? Even if his mind was inclined to this trend, It seemed all along that piece of the puzzle was the start of a logical chain.
The idea arises then in a flash. The link was indirect, we used the association of ideas. Jukin placed the coin in the palm of his hand flat and let his mind run: puzzle / enigma / Muslim / Koran / pork / ham! He burst into his refrigerator and took out his tray of ham. Under the installment he discovered another band. But under the second tranche there was a light bulb. He laid flat on the bulb in the palm of his hand and recommenced: bulb / light / speed / infinity / pipe / gutter! He climbed to the attic of a stroke, went through the door leading to the roof and inspected all its gutters. Returning to stay, he collected a ball of foam and two dead birds. That was wrong. He grabbed the bulb again and this time noticed a scrawl.
Then the kitten scratched him the spinal medulla. But nothing happened. Jukin rose hastily and reluctantly touched the bulb. He had banned the movement by auto reconditioning for a heightened sensitivity made him lose consciousness at each contact. The bulb was gone! He ran to open the drawer in which he undertook when he placed it above tests, hoping to end his syndrome.
The drawer was empty, and bulb was missing. He stared out the window the tree whose leaves had regained its normal appearance, seen from ground level, time to slip his hands into his pockets. His major then met the cold metal. It was the key to mini mini drawer in the drawer bulb. But it was usually stored in the jar cherry. Something was happening. A plan was underway, home, and he was not aware. As rape. He secretly hoped that the kitten had clumsily moved all these objects. When he discovered at the bottom of the drawer mini slide in a piece of the puzzle, his breath failed him. She was the head of a kitten wearing a red nose. He traveled
puzzle boxes already in the cupboard of his room and found one that matched. Inside, other parts waiting to be assembled. And nothing else. Not enough to constitute an index. Was it just a paranoid delusion? Even if his mind was inclined to this trend, It seemed all along that piece of the puzzle was the start of a logical chain.
The idea arises then in a flash. The link was indirect, we used the association of ideas. Jukin placed the coin in the palm of his hand flat and let his mind run: puzzle / enigma / Muslim / Koran / pork / ham! He burst into his refrigerator and took out his tray of ham. Under the installment he discovered another band. But under the second tranche there was a light bulb. He laid flat on the bulb in the palm of his hand and recommenced: bulb / light / speed / infinity / pipe / gutter! He climbed to the attic of a stroke, went through the door leading to the roof and inspected all its gutters. Returning to stay, he collected a ball of foam and two dead birds. That was wrong. He grabbed the bulb again and this time noticed a scrawl.
Then he swaps with that and stay lit. But the inscription that appeared on the wall was obscured by the pattern of the wallpaper. He took her and enters the darkened bathroom. Indeed, the bulb was missing mysteriously. He placed directly one that smelled the ham in the butt, it fits perfectly. This time registration was clear:
The encrypted message was shining on the wall of an intense white. It was an old system of his childhood. Fortunately the memory came back.

The encrypted message was shining on the wall of an intense white. It was an old system of his childhood. Fortunately the memory came back.
And cracka code:
kitchen cabinet above
Already on his rickety stool, he discovered over the hood of letters formed in the dust: the hidden side of the moon.
box of firecrackers on July 14 was still in his studio. The powder of its bison 4 fills a big bag where he hanged a bit. Cramming it all in an aluminum tube that stuck under a ton, he set fire to the powder before jumping into the barrel. The surge was enough to take off. However, in haste, he had not thought about the gear from the shop before lighting. After a crash and a volley of small woods, he sat up and saw from the sky through the hole in its roof burnt soil. The ascent became
regular but the moon was already approaching more slowly. Still, snorkeling, Jukin visa crater through the steam of his swimming goggles. The trajectory straight from the machine bent as it slowed, so that the ellipse is too short to cross the lunar soil. He should jump at the right time. The latest wildfire pétaradèrent he prepared. His calculations could not suffer from any error in failing to wander forever in the cosmos. He rushed. Spurred on, the barrel fell behind him almost immobile in space to Earth. The initial velocity acquired by Jukin brought him to the lunar surface. It seemed too short and return to living space, but a small pet savior brought him thrust missing. He grabbed the rock and pulled himself cold. Finally on his feet, head down, he ran absorbed in the shadow of darkness. His fingers a few inches from his face remained invisible.
The air began to fail him and the cold numbed. He stumbled and then froze. It was not a stone. He started at 4 feet and swept through the ground to touch. He thought several times but found it was inert as stones. Ouch! His knee had landed on something hard. He extricated his ball and after stroked recognized: a nucleus. No longer, he rose and fell from the moon. The gravity field of the Earth Caught once over, he already warmed the exosphere. The hole in the roof of his shop was soon visible. The land promised to be violent. In full free fall on a cormorant crashed and was killed instantly. Jukin slows somewhat and swerved enough to finish his fall in a pile of freshly cut grass. He thanked his neighbor mentally Sirunyk have shaved his large lawn.
Without taking time to recover from the fall, he rushed to the bus. 5 minutes later he came down to the tourist resort of the Anus. The ticket was expensive, but it had no alternative. A small tourist train ride required.
The descent was not, moreover, not unpleasant and information rather instructive in that they were asking questions about how and why of life. Unfortunately, he had no time to indulge in metaphysical thought. The train had reached the bottom before beginning the ascent, he left the convoy discreetly. Hidden behind a rock, waiting for his imminent departure.
Once alone, he could walk toward the warning signs. His research began precisely where the sightseeing was over. He cast a glance around and rushed in the tunnel topped the inscriptions "No Trespassing," "Danger of painful death" and "Do not go see! .
course it was growing warmer, and tremors were becoming more violent, when the hose expands to lead rock in a huge cavity. While boiling. Even the yellow and red light oscillated between the crevices. Jukin approached cautiously. The massive core of the earth stands in the middle. Even if the surface had an irregular texture, its overall shape was a perfect sphere. The bottom curved slightly in the rock. Along edge channel leaving a small lava flow a bit. By moving, thought Jukin guess an inscription on the floor. It was unreadable, rock rock. Then he took off, not without difficulty, a rock and began to pound the rock at the edge of the nucleus. It worked, the rock was quite brittle. A derivation of the lava slipped out of his trench. He brought the sweat from his brow and oil seemed to elbow its registration. Orange molten material flowed strongly to a beautiful effect and reveal the message: toes 1-2 / 9-10.
Jukin jump immediately made shoes and socks to slide the little finger of each hand between toes above named. In addition to the mold, it loosens two small black plastic squares connected by a hinge and a key head tin. Almost fused with his flesh, they left marks once extirpated. The basis of the key head fits on the edge of a square while the other was folded and clipped. It was a key. He recognized her.
Finally, his journey brought him back to the dresser drawer in the bulb. For right of this slide, there was another drawer, always left empty. Strangely, it was locked. Of course the key corresponded toes and unlocked. However it was still empty.
To be sure, his hand slipped inside. Do not touch anything, she almost definitely turn away when a particular smell caught him. He went immediately to equip its magnifying atom and traveled the walls of the drawer. There in a corner, he found a single atom. He recognized his smell, his was an atom, the atom key.
Anxiety suddenly ascended a notch. Not only was poking around his house, but he himself had been tampered with in the depths of her womb. He took off his shirt and immediately dismissed two odds on his side. With his elbow he kept them in place before sliding his hand inside. He immediately withdrew. A member occupied the space for the key atom. He began to tremble. This feeling of no longer control anything, to be the victim of an unknown force turned his mind like a sock. A cold sweat ran through again. So quite automatically he knelt before the table and pulled out the living kidney bothered. But impossible to recover because the stomach had taken his place! He knew he needed to immediately empty the mental pain of succumbing to vertigo.
Methodically, he left all his organs and parts of the cerebral lobes he found in his abdomen and placed them in bowls. A piece of lobe and pancreas were so far from their original location as small tubes installed specifically to serve as an extension and they have always participate in the bloodstream. Despite its concentration, a shiver froze before that discovery. And finally, leaning against the vertebrae, he found his spinal bulb! Conscientiously he slid aside in a bowl.
After removing the last two parts, began Jukin any place. Very concentrated, it works anatomical S'Aida to secure the maneuver.
When the abdomen was filled, he attacked the pieces of cerebral lobes. Through an opening on the top of the skull, after removing some lobes, he moved a large block that was not his place. Immediately he felt a compression vanish in his mind. This was an area of memory.
Moments later, everything was in place, leaving only the spinal medulla. He knew he was going to faint because he could not avoid touching him when he reconnects. But he had to. Then he took a deep breath, grabbed the bulb and repositioned. When he heard the creaking of a specific organ handed in his place, his ears buzzing already and its field of vision narrowed until darkness. While he lost consciousness, elements of his memory and freedom from compression, flowed back into his consciousness.
Jukin awoke with a bound and buried his head in his hands. He soon realized the disaster. The bulb was once again vulnerable. He remembered now. He miraculously managed to change the position of its organs brain lobes and some to protect the bulb after thousands of unsuccessful attempts. This time everything had found a place, except the atom key was not indispensable. At the same time, the changes had improved the performance of his body and mind. Sharper, more effective, not labor, could save the masses to know without effort and develop physical abilities.
But then, he had canceled everything. Ironically, finding the memory of what had happened, he had also erased forever the milestones inversions making him a superman. Knowing
forget that you make these changes by the slight compression required on a lobe of memory, only compromise with the two extensions to make this wonderful project, he developed this scheme to prevent placing the atom key and then undo all of these improvements.
Why not simply be stripped away? At the sacrifice he had not found the strength to part with them forever. Although in theory it would soon forget his existence, to separate a part of him, however small it may be, it was impossible. Also can be beneficial as this separation.
Now he should find the resources to accept his fate ordinary and imperfect, to accept his vulnerability bulbo cerebrospinal. And accept that he had the genius to create Superman, but he lacked the right to be a little note for the remaining memory.
One last memory came to him suddenly. Just before falling into the first coma, he had noted the date and time of the miracle in the drawer atom. It was two hours earlier.
box of firecrackers on July 14 was still in his studio. The powder of its bison 4 fills a big bag where he hanged a bit. Cramming it all in an aluminum tube that stuck under a ton, he set fire to the powder before jumping into the barrel. The surge was enough to take off. However, in haste, he had not thought about the gear from the shop before lighting. After a crash and a volley of small woods, he sat up and saw from the sky through the hole in its roof burnt soil. The ascent became
regular but the moon was already approaching more slowly. Still, snorkeling, Jukin visa crater through the steam of his swimming goggles. The trajectory straight from the machine bent as it slowed, so that the ellipse is too short to cross the lunar soil. He should jump at the right time. The latest wildfire pétaradèrent he prepared. His calculations could not suffer from any error in failing to wander forever in the cosmos. He rushed. Spurred on, the barrel fell behind him almost immobile in space to Earth. The initial velocity acquired by Jukin brought him to the lunar surface. It seemed too short and return to living space, but a small pet savior brought him thrust missing. He grabbed the rock and pulled himself cold. Finally on his feet, head down, he ran absorbed in the shadow of darkness. His fingers a few inches from his face remained invisible.
The air began to fail him and the cold numbed. He stumbled and then froze. It was not a stone. He started at 4 feet and swept through the ground to touch. He thought several times but found it was inert as stones. Ouch! His knee had landed on something hard. He extricated his ball and after stroked recognized: a nucleus. No longer, he rose and fell from the moon. The gravity field of the Earth Caught once over, he already warmed the exosphere. The hole in the roof of his shop was soon visible. The land promised to be violent. In full free fall on a cormorant crashed and was killed instantly. Jukin slows somewhat and swerved enough to finish his fall in a pile of freshly cut grass. He thanked his neighbor mentally Sirunyk have shaved his large lawn.
Without taking time to recover from the fall, he rushed to the bus. 5 minutes later he came down to the tourist resort of the Anus. The ticket was expensive, but it had no alternative. A small tourist train ride required.
The descent was not, moreover, not unpleasant and information rather instructive in that they were asking questions about how and why of life. Unfortunately, he had no time to indulge in metaphysical thought. The train had reached the bottom before beginning the ascent, he left the convoy discreetly. Hidden behind a rock, waiting for his imminent departure.
Once alone, he could walk toward the warning signs. His research began precisely where the sightseeing was over. He cast a glance around and rushed in the tunnel topped the inscriptions "No Trespassing," "Danger of painful death" and "Do not go see! .
course it was growing warmer, and tremors were becoming more violent, when the hose expands to lead rock in a huge cavity. While boiling. Even the yellow and red light oscillated between the crevices. Jukin approached cautiously. The massive core of the earth stands in the middle. Even if the surface had an irregular texture, its overall shape was a perfect sphere. The bottom curved slightly in the rock. Along edge channel leaving a small lava flow a bit. By moving, thought Jukin guess an inscription on the floor. It was unreadable, rock rock. Then he took off, not without difficulty, a rock and began to pound the rock at the edge of the nucleus. It worked, the rock was quite brittle. A derivation of the lava slipped out of his trench. He brought the sweat from his brow and oil seemed to elbow its registration. Orange molten material flowed strongly to a beautiful effect and reveal the message: toes 1-2 / 9-10.
Jukin jump immediately made shoes and socks to slide the little finger of each hand between toes above named. In addition to the mold, it loosens two small black plastic squares connected by a hinge and a key head tin. Almost fused with his flesh, they left marks once extirpated. The basis of the key head fits on the edge of a square while the other was folded and clipped. It was a key. He recognized her.
Finally, his journey brought him back to the dresser drawer in the bulb. For right of this slide, there was another drawer, always left empty. Strangely, it was locked. Of course the key corresponded toes and unlocked. However it was still empty.
To be sure, his hand slipped inside. Do not touch anything, she almost definitely turn away when a particular smell caught him. He went immediately to equip its magnifying atom and traveled the walls of the drawer. There in a corner, he found a single atom. He recognized his smell, his was an atom, the atom key.
Anxiety suddenly ascended a notch. Not only was poking around his house, but he himself had been tampered with in the depths of her womb. He took off his shirt and immediately dismissed two odds on his side. With his elbow he kept them in place before sliding his hand inside. He immediately withdrew. A member occupied the space for the key atom. He began to tremble. This feeling of no longer control anything, to be the victim of an unknown force turned his mind like a sock. A cold sweat ran through again. So quite automatically he knelt before the table and pulled out the living kidney bothered. But impossible to recover because the stomach had taken his place! He knew he needed to immediately empty the mental pain of succumbing to vertigo.
Methodically, he left all his organs and parts of the cerebral lobes he found in his abdomen and placed them in bowls. A piece of lobe and pancreas were so far from their original location as small tubes installed specifically to serve as an extension and they have always participate in the bloodstream. Despite its concentration, a shiver froze before that discovery. And finally, leaning against the vertebrae, he found his spinal bulb! Conscientiously he slid aside in a bowl.
After removing the last two parts, began Jukin any place. Very concentrated, it works anatomical S'Aida to secure the maneuver.
When the abdomen was filled, he attacked the pieces of cerebral lobes. Through an opening on the top of the skull, after removing some lobes, he moved a large block that was not his place. Immediately he felt a compression vanish in his mind. This was an area of memory.
Moments later, everything was in place, leaving only the spinal medulla. He knew he was going to faint because he could not avoid touching him when he reconnects. But he had to. Then he took a deep breath, grabbed the bulb and repositioned. When he heard the creaking of a specific organ handed in his place, his ears buzzing already and its field of vision narrowed until darkness. While he lost consciousness, elements of his memory and freedom from compression, flowed back into his consciousness.
Jukin awoke with a bound and buried his head in his hands. He soon realized the disaster. The bulb was once again vulnerable. He remembered now. He miraculously managed to change the position of its organs brain lobes and some to protect the bulb after thousands of unsuccessful attempts. This time everything had found a place, except the atom key was not indispensable. At the same time, the changes had improved the performance of his body and mind. Sharper, more effective, not labor, could save the masses to know without effort and develop physical abilities.
But then, he had canceled everything. Ironically, finding the memory of what had happened, he had also erased forever the milestones inversions making him a superman. Knowing
forget that you make these changes by the slight compression required on a lobe of memory, only compromise with the two extensions to make this wonderful project, he developed this scheme to prevent placing the atom key and then undo all of these improvements.
Why not simply be stripped away? At the sacrifice he had not found the strength to part with them forever. Although in theory it would soon forget his existence, to separate a part of him, however small it may be, it was impossible. Also can be beneficial as this separation.
Now he should find the resources to accept his fate ordinary and imperfect, to accept his vulnerability bulbo cerebrospinal. And accept that he had the genius to create Superman, but he lacked the right to be a little note for the remaining memory.
One last memory came to him suddenly. Just before falling into the first coma, he had noted the date and time of the miracle in the drawer atom. It was two hours earlier.