Monday, October 26, 2009

Great Camcorder Under 400

20. This morning Jukin wanted murder

He wanted to kill. Primal rage, mixed with the mystery of death, he moved the stomach. As they take a human life could do to access a forbidden knowledge to ordinary mortals. Dare kill his neighbor, stand above all as a god among men deciding their fate. Then dip your hands in a living heart to remove all movement. This gesture will not do the idea of this move, enter the quivering flesh and make it inert, confers both total insanity as the absolute vision. This heart stopping his hand in his hand, freeing the pure sense of life. But soon disappeared. The essence of life was in this passage, this time without a period, it is no more.
He rushed into a long tunnel wet. At any time, a bat could spring up and twirl along the cold stones seeping water sewers that flowed above. Consisting of a mixture of different foams, seasoned with a pinch of wet earth and chalk, the fresh smell was not unpleasant. The diffuse light from the tip was relatively smooth and extended, which spared any threatening shadow. Although in the middle of a tunnel, it feels pretty good, as in a cave. Especially a slight hiss hot, like the breathing of a sleeping dragon since the dawn of time, filling the entire volume.

Jukin progressed with a sure and steady. Toward the light. It was only a shadow invisible among the underworld. We did not even notice the rhythm of her steps appeared to be the pulse of this world forgot. Inevitably, he reached the end. Peacefully prepared, he let sell an instant of time. Flowed at his feet as a backwater. He was still in the tunnel and into the living presence, as long as necessary.
It then crosses the creek and going up a staircase, he joined a main artery. A few scattered people were wandering. Jukin met a sad little man. That would be him. He followed him closely for a moment to observe his approach miserable. Under his eyes discovered a hair thin, almost transparent, on top of which a tonsure began to grow. The view was breathtaking.

In one breath, the little man had come down to a tiny creek. We simply could not see from above, they would be quiet. Paralyzed by fear, just a few gurgling skinned came out of the man's throat. Occasionally, a thin film of sea water had the whip, when waves broke over the rock at their feet. Jukin waited no longer. He stuck his blade into the temple of man to his fist. It was he who kept standing. Having removed the little man collapsed. Jukin pounced on him and plunged two fingers into the hole of the knife. Once enlarged enough, there slipped the index and middle fingers of each hand and pulled with all his strength to tear the front of the skull with the face. He threw into the sea
A thin cloud of steam escaped from the cavity while still hot. The brain seemed alive. Jukin rose and gray crushed convolutions with his heel. Meticulously, he reduced while boiling. But he had to do it quickly, then he took his knife and ripped deep into the inert body. After installing the blade, he opened two of his hands cut the sweater, shirt, knitting and finally the skin of his chest. The smell of entrails spread through the air and seagulls already changed direction to them. The heart was still there! Jukin in was horrified.
In his act as unfinished feeling he felt sorry for the man, as his death became meaningless. Fortunately, heart pulsation slowly. Relieved, he placed his hand open just above and waited. When the news arrived contraction, he relaxed his arm forward tense, his fingers wrapped around the heart and grind immediately. Blood was expelled from the gaping hole in the head and probably through the anus. He tore the soft flesh of the body and hanging in his hand. Contemplating a moment informs muscle bleeding, he sent to join the face to the bottom of the ocean.
Then he stepped back and the image of the paradox of life imprinted in him. Before it freezes, he threw the corpse, which fell steeply in waves, swallowed by the foam. Seagulls screamed pouncing where the body had disappeared. Jukin was more innocent. Ever he would be another person.

(next Jukin November 9)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Poem: Welcome To Church

19. This morning Jukin has an Indian friend.

The urge to eat a fresh apple market had woken up early. Probably a delicious dream in which the juicy crunch of the forbidden fruit was irresistible. Good mood, so he joined the colorful displays, light flooded the hubbub of many casual visitors. Strolling the way it was rather pleasant, but it took never have time to do so.
So he took advantage. What he found most evident at first glance, it was all these little flashing colored objects. Apparently people were fond of, then it would sell even in the middle of the deli. Jukin loved corners of the market where we could distinguish what was even more to sell, what was not. Besides haggling in correctly, virtually everything was for sale. He succeeded in acquiring the horses for a display that ends earth. Then resold these trestles carrying a small margin. This nest egg in his pocket, he felt it was time to go buy her apple. He crossed

still stands scented, coated with second hand clothes sticky meat blackened by flies but also toys shimmering, shiny candy gluttony. Slalom quiet in the motley crowd and ended with a vaporous premiere seemed clean. His eyes rested on a red apple completely covered with thin black veins: it was his dream. He immediately grabbed
, along with a man on his right. Their hands shot both with the same force and they looked at. Will sponsor a big smile, they fired again. Eyes black man had a joyous brilliance, Jukin was not afraid. It would also send him the same impression when the man shouted: "It's the apple of my dream. "Jukin seized a moment the man advantage. In the same movement he paid for the fruit and began to slowly backwards from. Recovered from the surprise, Jukin approached him and said: "I had the same dream. "While the man was thinking, Jukin studied it. It was the Indian type: dark skin, thick black mustache, mysterious aura. But more strange, the man wearing the traditional costume of Indian of America.

When it realized what was happening, he invited Jukin to follow. Confident, he followed suit. The Indian stopped at the booth of a cutler and offered a small knife travel. The man opened the knife a sharp gesture and looked him straight in the eye. The events became somewhat disturbing, but he kept his relaxation. The Indian then put the apple between the shoulder blades and cut Jukin in the middle. The blade pressed for a moment in his back tickled.
The Indian gave him a half, adding: "I'm Mufid. Jukin accepted it and introduced himself in turn. Then he smiled and swung a kick in the knee. The Indian rushed ashore, holding the joint. He laughed hard before getting up and pretended to exceed Jukin. He then struck him a violent nudge in the tailbone. The brilliance of the impact carried him to the ground. He no longer felt his legs for a moment. When he found his means, he laughs really hard and ran off. Mufid followed him. Incidentally, they overthrew the goods as well as people and disappeared into the stands shifts.
breath, they took refuge in a nearby alley. From there, they decided to launch major air bombs among the crowd. Plus People were jumping, the more they laughed. Finally, they walked slowly, often making fun of exhibitors intoxicated by the sun all day. Just when the last stalls were arranged, Mufid stopped before Jukin and looked him straight in the eye. They smiled sadly. Jukin understood that his friend was leaving and he does not see him again. He could not bring himself to leave the market place, now empty, before the cleaning service did expels nicely. He rejected the moment he had to return home. Because for a moment, he had been alone.

(next Jukin October 26)

Friday, October 2, 2009

How To Hack A Sidekick Lx 09 Plan

preparation for his return, Jukin allows you to suggest a title.

Indeed, if I find funny your title and / or intriguing, certainly inspiring
I select to make a direct sequel.
"Wah class, my title became a real Jukin! " The goal of all existence worthy of the name.
It'll just leave your suggestions as comments to this message
canonical form: "This morning, Jukin ..."

Here the first 18 titles:
001 This morning, got the idea Jukin to its website collection of meat.
002 This morning, Jukin had the urge to come up.
003 This morning, Jukin remembered yesterday. 004
This morning Jukin saw her reflection in the mirror.
005 This morning, Jukin found a dead ladybug. 006
This morning Jukin regained his lost love. 007
This morning Jukin forgot to open his eyes.
008 this morning, wanted Jukin jump from his window. 009
This morning Jukin is purple.
010 this morning, took two Jukin my breakfast. 011
This morning Jukin is furious.
012 This morning, Jukin a stomach ache. 013
This morning Jukin sees farther than usual. 014
This morning Jukin has clear ideas. 015
This morning Jukin has a headache. 016
This morning Jukin hoarse for nothing. 017
This morning Jukin became rich. 018
This morning Jukin did not rise.

019. This morning, Jukin has an Indian friend.

To your keyboards maggots.

PS: the return is for October 12