Upon receipt of the letter of Comrade Dardenne, I alerted immediately Vincent me out of his album is a photo taken of her friend in Freiburg TORGIC Hayek in discussion with (*). With a few years and especially ... a few pounds lighter, no doubt TORGIC SORGIC and are one!
burning with impatience, to find his friend Vincent and I finally know who played such a role in the intellectual development of my son-and thus to mine, we decided to meet at the invitation of Comrade DARDENNE tomorrow and take the plane in Frankfurt that will lead us then to Brussels.
(*) Passing "Goggles to Frederic" ... At the height of happiness, making a single shot his two passions, football and Yugoslavia, Vincent wrote to his mother every week. His letters were full of admiration that it inspired one of the players on the team with whom he had befriended, some Djuro Torgic. This clever Yugoslav going from club to club, he claimed to be only a mediocre player but managed to sell a little higher with each transfer. When a coach realized the mistake he had made having overpaid for its acquisition, he was careful not to admit his mistake. It boasted the best he could his colt's performance in order to resell it without loss and, if possible, with a profit. One day, whereas it had reached the limits of this game, Torgic decided to leave Yugoslavia and try his luck in the West. Fitted with a single train ticket and a letter of recommendation from the coach Bivins, he joined Freiburg, world famous for its university and in the middle of the sport by his young football team: it had created a stir by reaching the semi-finals of a European Cup.
Vincent followed his friend in his new life. On arrival in Freiburg, the pair recruited as a midfielder, the other as a winger, began looking for odd jobs to supplement their salaries for players. In the advertisements of the local newspaper, the Anzeiger Freiburger, they saw a certain Friedrich von Hayek, Professor Emeritus of University and Nobel Laureate, was seeking a "driver man do anything ".
He would lodge in a small gatehouse at the entrance of the property he had acquired with money from his Nobel Prize. Torgic presented himself for employment and was immediately recognized . Prnjavor It was from a small village in Bosnia founded in the early nineteenth century by the German soldiers of the Grand Army.
They had to strain after the demobilization of troops of Marshal Marmont. Curiously, several players from the team Split came from this place. These were known by the Germanic root of their name: Torgic (Tor), Bergic (Berg), Talic (Tal). It was doing so in German Torgic in the team and had no trouble being understood by the eminent professor. Vincent, hosted by his friend, did not need money. His salary as a player, supplemented by the pension paid by his mother, was enough. He proposed to Hayek as secretary part time. As no payment, he requested the right to tap into the master library and talk with him about his views ... "