Thanks to my letter to Michel Rocard, I just found ... TORGIC in Liège, the Yugoslav football player, a disciple of Hayek's friend Vincent (pages 69 and 70 of "Sunglasses at Frederick »(*))
That this amazing story: From
Michel Dardenne, budget minister of Wallonia, with which in the past, I developed a professional relationship later became friendly, I received yesterday, September 19, the following message:
Dear Emile
What joy to find your mark! By the Belgian Socialist Party Blog ( http://www.pointblog.com/past/2007/03/25/belgique_le_blog_du_president_du_parti_socialiste.htm ) I read your letter to Michel Rocard when you conspirators to take the helm of this "second left liberal" why I fight in vain, Belgium. So, I rushed on your "glasses to Frederick." What was not my surprise to discover the name of TORGIC one of the most popular figures of Liège: my neighbor and cheerful companion, Djuro SORGIC, famous for his House of Péket, vital institution of our dear Wallonia. Everyone knows here, its history: Former football player of the team from Split, he tied it with a step-son of a French minister (You, in this case) and then left Yugoslavia to put his friend in the service of their idol, the Austrian economist Hayek. All this I found in your book. I am sending a photo of him and his son at his school. She recently appeared in the press at the entrance to our drinking gin in the "Petit Robert".
I think you'll be happy to make the acquaintance of the friend of your step-son. I invite you to come to Cork where, "in Nanesse" restaurant Sorgic we can celebrate this reunion, ours and theirs, around a good bottle pèkets. I would invite too, if you really want it, our old mutual friend, Michel Rocard, who all we have this good and beautiful moment.
you soon
Michel "
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