preparation for his return, Jukin allows you to suggest a title.

Indeed, if I find funny your title and / or intriguing, certainly inspiring
I select to make a direct sequel.
"Wah class, my title became a real Jukin! " The goal of all existence worthy of the name.
It'll just leave your suggestions as comments to this message
canonical form: "This morning, Jukin ..."
Here the first 18 titles:
001 This morning, got the idea Jukin to its website collection of meat.
002 This morning, Jukin had the urge to come up.
003 This morning, Jukin remembered yesterday. 004
This morning Jukin saw her reflection in the mirror.
005 This morning, Jukin found a dead ladybug. 006
This morning Jukin regained his lost love. 007
This morning Jukin forgot to open his eyes.
008 this morning, wanted Jukin jump from his window. 009
This morning Jukin is purple.
010 this morning, took two Jukin my breakfast. 011
This morning Jukin is furious.
012 This morning, Jukin a stomach ache. 013
This morning Jukin sees farther than usual. 014
This morning Jukin has clear ideas. 015
This morning Jukin has a headache. 016
This morning Jukin hoarse for nothing. 017
This morning Jukin became rich. 018
This morning Jukin did not rise.
019. This morning, Jukin has an Indian friend.
To your keyboards maggots.
PS: the return is for October 12
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