The urge to eat a fresh apple market had woken up early. Probably a delicious dream in which the juicy crunch of the forbidden fruit was irresistible. Good mood, so he joined the colorful displays, light flooded the hubbub of many casual visitors. Strolling the way it was rather pleasant, but it took never have time to do so.
So he took advantage. What he found most evident at first glance, it was all these little flashing colored objects. Apparently people were fond of, then it would sell even in the middle of the deli. Jukin loved corners of the market where we could distinguish what was even more to sell, what was not. Besides haggling in correctly, virtually everything was for sale. He succeeded in acquiring the horses for a display that ends earth. Then resold these trestles carrying a small margin. This nest egg in his pocket, he felt it was time to go buy her apple. He crossed
still stands scented, coated with second hand clothes sticky meat blackened by flies but also toys shimmering, shiny candy gluttony. Slalom quiet in the motley crowd and ended with a vaporous premiere seemed clean. His eyes rested on a red apple completely covered with thin black veins: it was his dream. He immediately grabbed
, along with a man on his right. Their hands shot both with the same force and they looked at. Will sponsor a big smile, they fired again. Eyes black man had a joyous brilliance, Jukin was not afraid. It would also send him the same impression when the man shouted: "It's the apple of my dream. "Jukin seized a moment the man advantage. In the same movement he paid for the fruit and began to slowly backwards from. Recovered from the surprise, Jukin approached him and said: "I had the same dream. "While the man was thinking, Jukin studied it. It was the Indian type: dark skin, thick black mustache, mysterious aura. But more strange, the man wearing the traditional costume of Indian of America.
When it realized what was happening, he invited Jukin to follow. Confident, he followed suit. The Indian stopped at the booth of a cutler and offered a small knife travel. The man opened the knife a sharp gesture and looked him straight in the eye. The events became somewhat disturbing, but he kept his relaxation. The Indian then put the apple between the shoulder blades and cut Jukin in the middle. The blade pressed for a moment in his back tickled.
The Indian gave him a half, adding: "I'm Mufid. Jukin accepted it and introduced himself in turn. Then he smiled and swung a kick in the knee. The Indian rushed ashore, holding the joint. He laughed hard before getting up and pretended to exceed Jukin. He then struck him a violent nudge in the tailbone. The brilliance of the impact carried him to the ground. He no longer felt his legs for a moment. When he found his means, he laughs really hard and ran off. Mufid followed him. Incidentally, they overthrew the goods as well as people and disappeared into the stands shifts.
breath, they took refuge in a nearby alley. From there, they decided to launch major air bombs among the crowd. Plus People were jumping, the more they laughed. Finally, they walked slowly, often making fun of exhibitors intoxicated by the sun all day. Just when the last stalls were arranged, Mufid stopped before Jukin and looked him straight in the eye. They smiled sadly. Jukin understood that his friend was leaving and he does not see him again. He could not bring himself to leave the market place, now empty, before the cleaning service did expels nicely. He rejected the moment he had to return home. Because for a moment, he had been alone.
(next Jukin October 26)
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