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At the last image of this slide, let me add that insofar as we drive our cars, when we use appliances, and where we bake we heat our food or gas, let alone use everyday plastic objects, individual actions should also include awareness of our individual energy consumption, and really see how we can moderate it.

This vast subject is even starting to be "contaminated" with humor ...

Addendum: "Shale Gas: Energy miracle or environmental disaster?", An excellent article to read on the site Our planete.info , here are two short excerpts.
"A review of the history of seismic and drilling in Arkansas reveals a shocking increase in the frequency of earthquakes after an advanced drilling. The number of earthquakes in 2010 is almost equivalent to that recorded for the entire twentieth century ".
"Given the government's bias in favor of energy giants - the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico from BP is a good example - it may be more direct actions are required of citizens if one account save the environment and human health industry fossil fuel. "

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