....... Following the idea of balance-imbalance-break-opening
source of instability , dance approaches and merges with the safe and orderly movement, gesture animates the body
"Vague I'm my only sea" (Rilke)
Pina Bauch, Carolyn Carlson, Marie-Claude Pietragalla in building spatial and rigorous are the representatives. Zao Wou-Ki also speaks of the flexibility of the wrist module inflection and gesture invents its own space
source of instability , dance approaches and merges with the safe and orderly movement, gesture animates the body
"Vague I'm my only sea" (Rilke)
Pina Bauch, Carolyn Carlson, Marie-Claude Pietragalla in building spatial and rigorous are the representatives. Zao Wou-Ki also speaks of the flexibility of the wrist module inflection and gesture invents its own space
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